Entelgy Digital



Transformation is not only about anticipating change.

A big part of success is making the things we want to happen, happen.




Human change management: we have our own model for managing change in behaviour and habits, Mindset Change. Knowledge, experience and skills needed to bring about the change your organisation needs.


We have a global vision on the evolution of digital environments, we can respond to the problems and requirements of today's business.


We rely on new technologies as enablers of change and transformation by providing our customers with tailor-made solutions based on business needs.


Our team is the perfect partner to develop the talent and digital culture that your project needs, and implement the most advanced technological solutions at the service of the business.


We work connecting experience, methodology and technology to connect people with the organization. Aligning the different areas of the company in the same sense and direction.


People. BE Digital

We are specialists in advising organizations on internal Digital Transformation, addressing Culture, Technology, Processes and Talent.

Tech. GO Digital

We drive the transformation of our clients by creating synergies between talent and technology, creating new competitive models.


Entelgy: chain value

In Entelgy we work to provide maximum value to our customers in the discovery, adoption, consolidation and maintenance of new technologies that drive their business, always cyberprotected.

In order to offer complete and integrated solutions, at Entelgy we work in 4 divisions:

Entelgy ConsultingTech

Entelgy ConsultingTech is the answer to innovation, consulting and technology as a business facilitator. In today's demanding world, companies need inspiration: we work to help our clients accelerate their transformation at all levels.



Entelgy Digital

At Entelgy Digital we facilitate the process of transformation and change of organizations through people and technology. We drive our clients, turning their talent into an engine of change, at the speed they need to remain competitive and meet all their business challenges.


Entelgy Outsourcing

In transformation processes, change becomes a commitment that we must keep in time for things to happen. A path that can become blurred if we do not put in the necessary means and efforts. From Entelgy Outosourcing we put all our talent, experience and technology to make things happen.


Entelgy Innotec Security

The transformation of our society, and the increasingly connected future, lead us to tackle new challenges hitherto unknown. The safety of our customers is one of the fundamental pillars of business transformation. Entelgy Innotec Security provides the solutions and intelligence necessary to prevent and protect our businesses from cyber attacks and security breaches.


Las personas y las empresas, llevan toda la vida cambiando, preguntándose cómo y cuándo. Lo único que hoy es distinto es la velocidad a la que nos lo preguntamos y sobre todo, la velocidad a la que tenemos que abordarlo.



Trabaja con nosotros

Si eres una persona entusiasta, te encanta y apasiona lo que haces, eres emprendedora, colaboradora, con actitud al cambio y te gusta liderar tu evolución profesional, vente con nosotros y…


Haznos llegar tu CV a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. y forma parte de nuestro equipo



En Entelgy cada Persona cuenta

Entelgy apuesta por el desarrollo de sus personas tanto a nivel profesional como personal. Te apoyamos, formamos y tutorizamos en tu mejora continua. Somos una empresa muy viva, dinámica, en pleno desarrollo y eso te permite crecer profesionalmente.

Porque para nosotros es clave, estamos invirtiendo cada vez más en formación y capacitación, basándonos en itinerarios formativos adaptados a tus necesidades. Hemos creado programas de formación y desarrollo basados en formación e-learning, formación presencial, formación on-demand, idiomas y mentoring dependiendo de tu rol profesional.

Además, en Entelgy, organizamos equipos multiculturales, presentando oportunidades profesionales, gestionando el conocimiento y la diversidad, sin distinciones. Te damos la oportunidad de desarrollarte y creer. Si buscas una empresa donde tu futuro lo marcas tú, ¡ya la has encontrado!



Profesionales cualificados

95,5 M €

Added value



Visión global

Cualquier reto, cualquier lugar



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