Entelgy in the Insurance sector

What does Entelgy bring to the insurance sector?

In the insurance sector we are experiencing a period of change never seen before.

And the most novel thing is that it is not just the changes, but their speed! People, technology, companies, laws… everything is changing and it is doing so at a truly dizzying pace.

We create business solutions based on the best technologies and three fundamental pillars:

  • Knowledge of the insurance sector
  • Results-oriented, even sharing the risk of projects
  • A dual methodology that focuses simultaneously on the business objectives of insurers and on the client

What do we do?

We offer vertical services and solutions in the insurance sector in the areas of life and savings, non-life – various, health and healthcare, including service centers.

In our specialized area for the Insurance Sector, we help you and provide a lot of value in:

People: for us they are the centre and destination of value. We have professionals with proven experience. We help you get closer to your client and stay connected, achieving an experience that will help you build customer loyalty.

The insurance sector (insurers and their products): We help you to offer more and better services to your clients where the insured demands and at the time they require the services, through high-value products for end users, taking advantage of the information and circular relationship that we create with our service ecosystems. We help you improve your processes and services with our own proven products and methodologies, created from the knowledge and experience we have in the insurance sector.

Technology: We are experts in cutting-edge technology that is always business-oriented, offering business solutions based on the latest technologies. We focus on both corporations and the needs and desires of their customers, with products and services that improve their experience.

Laws: Laws are evolving ever faster and are becoming more demanding for insurers and intermediaries, increasing the risk or difficulty of compliance. All our solutions and services include the analysis and legal compliance necessary to ensure legal certainty.

Contact our expert

Enrique Santiago

Director of Banking & Insurance

Transversal 23 #97-73 Office 411. Bogotá
+57 3 173 656 708

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