Process Mining &  Excellence

Controlled and automated processes

Process mining is a technology that discovers, optimizes and automates processes from data by obtaining the digital footprint that processes leave in different systems.

According to Forrester, 61% of decision makers will use process mining to simplify operations


Transparency in processes.

Identify automation potential.

Process monitoring.

Streamline processes.

Increased agility.


Cost reduction.

Improved times.

Improving productivity.

Greater customer satisfaction.

Improving Working Capital.

Higher income.


Our Center of Excellence (CoE) aims to centralize knowledge and best practices in the use of Celonis in order to provide the best experience and advice and thus maximize the value of each project.

Contact our expert

Jordi Llobet


Transversal 23 #97-73 Office 411. Bogotá
+57 3 173 656 708

Drones and the revolution in the agricultural sector help our clients grow

Success stories

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Process Mining Components

Process Mining includes different tools to analyze and improve your processes within the following four areas:

Discovery of the process

Digital footprint reading: Companies implement their business processes relying on a variety of systems, which makes full visibility of the process difficult.

All these systems leave a digital footprint that is the starting point of Process Mining.

Process conformity

Using calculation algorithms, Process Mining is able to depict the process flow as it is from the data obtained (data-driven) and compare it with the design defined by the organization.

This way we can detect errors, redundancies, bottlenecks…

Process performance

By obtaining real-time data we can measure process speed, errors, redundancies and bottlenecks by calculating specific KPIs.

We can measure the automation ratio, the % of late deliveries, the average duration of the process…

All these systems leave a digital footprint that is the starting point of Process Mining.

Process improvement

By having real-time data, we can automate action mechanisms using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools, in addition to harmonizing and redesigning the process to align it with the company’s objectives.

This way we can detect errors, redundancies, bottlenecks…

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