
More than 25 digital solutions for your business .

Modular platform with the capacity to accelerate and support the creation of new digital solutions.

Business process modelling. It allows companies to digitalise and have all the potential and capabilities without the need for the involvement of specialist areas. It does not require investments in large infrastructures or complex IT product ecosystems to manage.

Modular platform

weTrust has a pre-built catalogue of pieces, like puzzle pieces, with which a process can be visually deployed in minutes. From the console, the pieces to be combined are selected, among others:

weTrust enables a new model of access to digital solutions.

It has a catalogue of specialised parts that contain the logic and capabilities to model, enrich and respond to the business of companies, boosting marketing and offering access to their customers through new channels.

Direct integration without the need to address development investments.

weTrust provides and accelerates the digitalization of companies with a “Business as a Service on Cloud” business model.

Use cases

weTrust has a pre-built catalogue of pieces, like puzzle pieces, with which a process can be visually deployed in minutes. From the console, the pieces to be combined are selected, among others:

Biometric recognition.

Electronic signature.

Blockchain and time stamps.

Digital identity, proof of life processes.

Document validation, data capture, encryption.

Payments by card, account charges or transfers.

Direct debits with SEPA order.

Payment by facial recognition (payment by face).

Traceability of a process.

Contact our expert

Jorge Herrero

Technical Director

Transversal 23 #97-73 Office 411. Bogotá
+57 3 173 656 708


Drones and the revolution in the agricultural sector help our clients grow

Success story

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