Artificial intelligence

Adapted to the needs of business operations, development and automation

AI is revolutionizing and transforming the way we operate, increasing the value of processes and supporting efficiency improvements with advanced generative solutions based on new Artificial Intelligence strategies that transform business models.

At Entelgy we support innovation, integration and the growth of AI skills, based on the specialized skills of our professional teams, guiding and governing the AI Adoption process, adapted to the needs of business operations, development and automation.


Today it is a technology that we integrate into all solutions and processes.

It is a basic tool that helps us achieve maximum optimization of each of our proposals.

We apply it in fields as diverse as these:

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Smart operations and infrastructure management

Reduction of onboarding, visibility of the operation, efficiency and management preventive

Software development and engineering

Increased productivity, increased quality, automated testing, management of knowledge.

Today it is a technology that we integrate into all solutions and processes .
It is a basic tool that helps us achieve maximum optimization of each of our proposals. We apply it in fields as diverse as these:

Modern Workplace

Collaborative environments, virtual desktop, Smart[er] Help, digital skills, user experience.

Data and process consulting

Machine Learning, Data Intelligence, Process Mining, Data Governance.

Contact our expert

Jorge Herrero

Head of Technology & AI

Transversal 23 #97-73 Office 411. Bogotá
+57 3 173 656 708

Drones and the revolution in the agricultural sector help our clients grow

Success story

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