Entelgy in the Telco and Media sector

What does Entelgy bring to the Telco and Media sector?

“We are not in an era of change, but in a change of era”

One of the great advantages of the fifth generation of mobile devices is the speed of transmission, which will make 5G the tool that will allow the Internet of Things (IoT) to become an everyday reality: devices will share information constantly and instantly, with a speed and volume of data that is technically impossible today.

The transformation of the Telco and Media markets makes it clear, on a daily basis, that they are one of the clearest examples of the change of era.

Furthermore, content, the raison d’être and the only product of the media sector, is now also the spearhead of Telco operators looking for new fishing grounds and also to retain their customers. In the same way, the linear media channel is migrating towards the online model, where connectivity has become a key factor for the success of any media group’s business. Not only to offer optimal delivery of its content, but also to be able to launch new business models.

In a scenario that changes day by day, companies in these two sectors also converge in their objectives. The search for profit only through the advertising model and the product has changed and both sectors have placed the customer at the centre of their strategies, seeking to know them thoroughly in order to offer them a unique user experience and also monetise this experience.

What do we do?

At Entelgy we collaborate and support the major telecommunications operators and media groups on this path. More than 15 years of experience support us. We have become the trusted and highly specialized partner in the areas of:

Contact our expert

Antonio Rodrigo

Director of Telco & Media Sector

Transversal 23 #97-73 Office 411. Bogotá
+57 3 173 656 708

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