The Firewall Mindset

The security awareness model

What is The Firewall Mindset?

The post-COVID era has left us with the period with the most cyberattacks in history. Almost every week we are shocked by headlines in the press about new cybersecurity incidents affecting large companies in all sectors, as well as public bodies. All these cases have one thing in common: in 90% of cases, the origin of the incident is human error .

To mitigate this risk factor, the best investment we can make is to raise awareness among our employees, but not in any way! Changing habits and behaviors throughout the workforce in an effective and efficient way requires a different approach to traditional training.

A new model of cybersecurity awareness

“90% of cyberattacks are caused by a human security failure.” The only plausible solution to mitigate this risk factor is to make our employees aware of the proper use of technology.

The Firewall Mindset is a digital cybersecurity awareness solution for organizations. It effectively transforms people’s habits and behaviors, thus becoming the last security barrier against cyberattacks.

Thanks to our methodology based on gamification and storytelling, we guarantee results with a minimum investment of time and resources, through an online awareness campaign that is entertaining and addictive.

Awaken the Cyber Agent Within You

The Firewall Mindset™ is an innovative solution based on storytelling and gamification that really achieves this change .

If avoiding becoming the next victim of cybercriminals is one of your priorities, visit our page with all the information about The Firewall Mindset™, or contact us to request a demo.

Contact our expert

Alfredo Lefty

Head of Digital Change

Transversal 23 #97-73 Office 411. Bogotá
+57 3 173 656 708
The Firewall Mindset Entelgy
The Firewall Mindset Entelgy
The Firewall Mindset Entelgy
The Firewall Mindset Entelgy

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