
SAP HCM documents and information in one click

eEmployeeFolder offers HR departments a complete solution: all paper documents are digitized, master data and personnel documents are managed electronically and immediately available. This ensures faster and easier HR processes and activities. It provides one-click access to SAP HCM employee master transactions and all linked documents in an organized folder structure.

eEmployeeFolder is a preconfigured solution that enables easy, single-view access to SAP HCM data and documents. The solution is based on SAP® Document Access by OpenText and includes customization/configuration services from Entelgy Consultingtech. It also facilitates archiving documents from different scenarios, relying on OpenText software and its link to the SAP HCM personnel master.

Increase department efficiency.

360º view of information.

Reduce operating costs.

Facilitates regulatory compliance.

Quick and easy access to all data and documents linked to the HR employee master.

View HR data folders and documents similar to paper files.

Automatic structuring of data into categories (infotypes)

Native use of the SAP authorization concept.

Easy registration and archiving of documents.

Contact our expert

Alejandro Stromer

Dir. OT/SAP Competence Center


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