RPA, Robotic Process Automation, RPA is Entelgy's solution that improves the operational efficiency of business processes.
Software robots are programs that control other programs to perform repetitive, rule-based tasks, allowing people to focus their efforts on activities that require creativity or personal interpretation.
RPA is the first step on the path to digital transformation, automating business processes to achieve greater operational efficiency and optimize the cost structure.
RPA technology responds to the need to reduce human intervention in processes, transferring repetitive functions and tasks to a "digital workforce" of software robots.
At Entelgy we support innovation, integration and the growth of AI skills, based on the specialized skills of our professional teams, guiding and governing the AI Adoption process, adapted to the needs of business operations, development and automation.
Cost reduction.
Improving Productivity.
Quality and precision.
Audit and metrics.
Contact our expert
Jordi Llobet
Drones and the revolution in the agricultural sector help our clients grow
Success story
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