Smart Workplace / CAU

We improve the user experience in their relationship with the Help Desk, providing efficiency in the operation and enhancing their capabilities in a digitalized, remote and collaborative environment.

Performance Services

We improve customer service processes based on internationally recognized standards and emerging technologies. Adjustment of processes and workflows, evolution of tools or incorporation of new platforms, analysis of KPIs/SLAs. The result is customer service with greater operational efficiency and perceived quality.

Digital Workplace

We evolve the workplace to enhance the user's capabilities in digital and collaborative environments, making their daily work more productive. Unified communications, collaborative environments, knowledge management, virtual help agents, cloud tools, cybersecurity, all adapted to the needs of each work environment.

Help Desk

We transform traditional customer service into services adapted to digital environments. We incorporate virtual agents and natural language analyzers to which we incorporate artificial intelligence to evolve the quality perceived by the user to the highest levels. We incorporate self-service environments to optimize operating costs, improve flexibility to deal with activity peaks and reduce service times. And all this, with a Customer Centric approach to improve the user experience with customer service.

Data Driven

As a model to improve the predictive capacity of the service, make it more efficient and improve the perceived quality. Repetitive or massive incidents, periodic trends, events that cause incidents, all of this can be monitored, analyzed and allows us to anticipate. The objective is to reduce the number of tickets in Help Desk services and the user experience.

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