“Entelgy se adapta a la manera de entender el negocio de sus clientes”
Moisés Baena, Director Sectorial Business, analiza la situación de uno de los sectores más importantes
The journey towards profit optimization has been underway for years, always focusing on the efficiency of the logistics or production channel.
The world of industry is changing dramatically, leaving behind business models focused on products (“Product Centric”) and embracing the customer and their needs (“Customer Centric”) in order to maximize business performance.
However, there is still much to be done thanks to the emergence of new technologies that, when well applied, will substantially improve logistics traceability, stock management, safety, sustainability and of course manufacturing and maintenance.
The real challenge is to adapt the product to the needs of the end customer, its customization and of course the services that must be generated around it thanks to the transformation of data into information (BI) in an ultra-connected world, where cybersecurity is absolutely necessary.
Entelgy covers the technological needs that the sector needs to respond to, rooted in digitalization, business intelligence and ad hoc solutions.
We offer sectorized services and solutions in the following industry segments:
Our portfolio covers all types of digital and strategic solutions, covering the following lines of action:
Inspiring the change: Innovation, consulting and technology as a business enabler. In a world as demanding as today's, companies need inspiration: we work to help our clients accelerate their transformation at all levels.
Transforming the change: We facilitate the process of transformation and change in organizations through people and technology. We empower our clients, turning their talent into the driving force of change, at the speed they need to remain competitive and meet all their business challenges.
Keeping the change: In transformation processes, change becomes a commitment that we must maintain over time to make things happen. A path that can become blurred if we do not put in the necessary means and efforts. At Entelgy we put all our talent, experience and technology to make things happen.
Protecting the change: The transformation of our society and the increasingly connected future are leading us to address new challenges that were previously unknown. The security of our clients is one of the fundamental pillars of business transformation. Entelgy provides the solutions and intelligence necessary to prevent and protect our businesses from cyberattacks and security breaches.
Director of Banking & Insurance
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Moisés Baena, Director Sectorial Business, analiza la situación de uno de los sectores más importantes
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