Cloud Software Development

Does your Cloud strategy include an adoption methodology that contemplates the best practices, resources and services to deploy and manage your applications in the cloud ?

Entelgy's Cloud Software Development proposal is based on a layered architecture and a technological framework to simplify and organize solutions, enable modular development and the construction of reusable solutions.


Designing the best Cloud Adoption strategy:

Optimize resources, reducing investment in licenses, maintenance and infrastructure management.

Ensuring real-time scalability

Pay per use, ensuring all the power you need.

Redesign applications based on native Cloud components and services.

Modular architecture

Designing the best Cloud Adoption strategy:

Reduction of infrastructure costs by up to 30%.

Performance improvement. Implementing continuous improvement policies in cloud architecture results in improvements in performance, maintainability and interoperability.

Application modernization. FinOps drives migration to microservices-based environments, updating the application portfolio and its cost.

DevOps Acceleration. The cultural transformation that FinOps brings drives a DevOps model with cloud environment management policies, clear approval flows, and increased automation.



Know the status of applications, infrastructure. Real-time control and response.


Compliance and Practices for secure development. Audits and protection against vulnerabilities. ENS (National Security Plan).

Native Development

Progressive maturity model towards native cloud development and hybrid environments. Strategy for maximum value, optimization and efficiency.

Data Provision

Daily challenges that reinforce and consolidate knowledge in AI

Infrastructure as Code

Global infrastructure provision. Automatic and demand-adapted scaling. Optimized cost management.

Contact our expert

Jorge Herrero


Transversal 23 #97-73 Office 411. Bogotá
+57 3 173 656 708

Drones and the revolution in the agricultural sector help our clients grow

Success story

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Cloud adoption

Complete design strategy based on native components and services.

Identify, containerize, and migrate applications to the cloud.

Break down application complexity into reusable functional units.

Refactor them to integrate with native resources.

Improve application efficiency by accompanying you on your Journey to the cloud.

Value contributed


Continuous integration

Continuous delivery

Complete design strategy



Native developments

Data Lake


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