Transformation happens when we are able to make an idea a reality.

At Entelgy we help organizations optimize their continuous integration and deployment processes, applying our own methodology, along with widely tested technology based on free software. Our vision in DevOps is the following:

We focus our attention on configuration management, which will allow us to make all the environments used by our client as similar as possible to the production environment.

We focus on continuous integration, which will allow our clients to add small changes made by their developers to the developed software set so that it can be tested and deployed in development environments as quickly as possible. To do this, we integrate different free software solutions, automating repetitive processes and training our clients' technicians in the administration of the resulting ecosystem.

We analyze the different testing strategies, all of them with the objective of minimizing the possible errors that may occur in production environments. We also enable mechanisms for detecting errors in the early stages of development so that their correction is as simple and inexpensive as possible.

As a continuation of continuous integration, we automate continuous deployment by applying techniques and technologies based on virtual machines and/or containers. The latter can be run on a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster locally or in the cloud. Based on this approach, our focus is on simplifying the application of scaling and security. To do so, we recommend our clients enable service meshes with solutions such as Istio.

Another aspect worth highlighting is the work we do in monitoring the entire ecosystem of continuous integration and deployment, with ELK-type solutions for logs. Implementation of alarm systems (zabbix, ...), anomaly detection (influxdb, ...), provision of infrastructure (ansible) and centralized administration.

Our differential value in the DevOps strategy is to offer our clients the entire process of adopting these technologies, based on free software solutions that accelerate continuous integration and continuous deployment, within a framework of practical automation of the services or microservices that are the object of said promotion between environments, without neglecting the quality or security of said promotions. To do this, in each implementation project, we combine teams of devOps engineers with solution architects and specialists in change management. Always applying agile methodology (SCRUM or Kanban).

Contact our expert

Miguel Angel Villacañas

Head D. Architecture & Devs

Transversal 23 #97-73 Office 411. Bogotá
+57 3 173 656 708

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