
If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.

Our Data & Analytics value proposition covers projects in all phases of the data life cycle, from mass data ingestion, applying engineering tasks to heterogeneous data, analyzing them intelligently and providing knowledge to users and organizations, essential for management, decision-making and anticipating needs.

From our Data & Analytics team, we work on projects and develop solutions at different stages of the analytical itinerary:

Descriptive Analysis. Consolidation and exploitation of data to obtain knowledge that helps in day-to-day decisions and diagnosis of events.

Predictive Analysis. Ability to project those variables that directly impact the business, allowing for proactive management.

Prescriptive Analysis. Proposal of specific actions to improve the business, providing proactive support in decision-making.

Within this framework, we design, develop and implement solutions within the fields of Data and Advanced Analytics. Some of our areas of specialization are:

Machine Learning. Algorithms for improving results, understanding the market and identifying opportunities.

Deep Learning. Application of intelligence and cognitive capabilities in the company's commercial functions and systems.

Big Data. Architectures for processing and exploiting large volumes of heterogeneous data in real time.

Data Discovery. Data mining through guided analytics and self-consumption for decision making.

Natural Language Processing. Proprietary and third-party Natural Language Processing-based analytics solutions.

Contact our expert

Roman Sanz


Transversal 23 #97-73 Office 411. Bogotá
+57 3 173 656 708
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