Online Fraud
Web Attack Monitoring
Brand and reputation protection
Information about users infected by malware
Detecting anomalous usage profiles in our web services
AWDSClient: application that installs on the web server of the services to be protected and that communicates with the AWDSServer to report alerts. Highlighted features:
- Very simple installation.
- Compatible with any website.
- Minimum impact on navigability.
- Transparent to the user.
- Camouflaged as a statistics system.
- Minimum configuration.
AWDSServer: private cloud web infrastructure that maintains bidirectional communication with the AWDSClient. It has a correlation engine that allows the definition of new rules in addition to the default ones. All the intelligence of the product resides in AWDSServer.
The R&D&I lines developed are:
Ensure automated tool learning on confirmed fraud cases.
Carry out a development that allows resource consumption to be minimal while transparently increasing detection intelligence.
Being able to define the DNA of different threats to organizations to ensure their detection in their various cases.
- Cloud Tool
- Increases level of protection
- Threat Detection
- Effective response