Quality and environmental policy

Since its foundation, Entelgy’s management has been committed to quality policies and respect for the environment, including internationally recognized standard models and methodological frameworks.

Quality and environmental policy

Since its foundation, Entelgy’s management has been committed to quality policies and respect for the environment, including internationally recognized standard models and methodological frameworks.

To fulfill this commitment, it establishes a Quality and Environmental Management System based on the UNE EN ISO 9001 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001 regulations.

Entelgy has a priority objective set in the policy derived from the strategic plan arising from its corporate Vision and Mission: to satisfy the needs and expectations of Clients in the provision of professional technical services and in the design, development and maintenance of information systems and to achieve high levels of quality adjusted to the Client’s requirements. The Quality and Environmental Management System controls each of the processes and significant environmental impacts and also ensures the capacity of the service provided to the Client, as well as the detection of non-conformities and incorporates the necessary means to prevent them from occurring again.

We put all our talent into enhancing yours

Our values

The fundamental values that Entelgy promotes as its own in this framework are:

Comply with all legal and regulatory requirements, as well as all commitments that the organization subscribes to related to environmental aspects.

Understand the current and future needs of our Clients with the goal of achieving full Customer satisfaction.

Promoting employee training and awareness, ensuring the level of training, motivation and technical means necessary for the efficient development of their activities.

Direct our efforts towards continuous improvement of the quality of our service and the effectiveness of our processes, fostering relationships with our Clients.

Promote communication by emphasizing the need to communicate to our employees the commitments made to quality and the environment.

Our certifications


In the UNE EN ISO 9001 standard for the Provision of Professional Technical Services in Information and Telecommunications Technologies at the Central Office in Madrid and in Information Systems Design, Development and Maintenance Services at the Bilbao Centre.

For the center of Bilbao


For the center of Madrid

UNE-EN-ISO 14001

In the UNE-EN-ISO 14001 standard on the Provision of Professional Technical Services in Information and Telecommunications Technologies.

For the center of Bilbao

For the center of Madrid


This policy, appropriate to our organization, is communicated to and understood by our staff, and they are committed to involvement and commitment to Quality and Environmental Management.

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