Digital architecture

A robust architecture allows for evolution

With the arrival of new technologies such as IoT, Mobility or Artificial Intelligence, it is necessary to have a business API that allows the creation of new channels, products and services, and even new disruptive business models based on these technologies.

Digital Architecture develops an enterprise API in a regulated and flexible way, regardless of the organization’s level of maturity in this environment.

Entelgy provides three lines of service to apify your company:

API Coaching: Practical training. Working synergies between business professionals and technical architecture for the design of secure APIs.

API Sandbox: Design, development, documentation and cloud publication of an API testing environment.

API Factory: Design, development and documentation of an API in factory format. Own tools and methodology.


We have extensive experience in the design and construction of APIs with different Middleware technologies.

We provide extensive knowledge in the implementation of Software Factories with a special focus on Quality.

We offer cost and time efficiencies for the design and publication of Sandbox APIs.

We provide Apification training plans for business teams.

Contact our expert

Miguel Angel Villacañas

Head D. Architecture & Devs

Transversal 23 #97-73 Office 411. Bogotá
+57 3 173 656 708
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