
Proven Quality.

Since its inception, Entelgy has been committed to including internationally recognized standards in its models and methodological frameworks. We are one of the national leaders that simultaneously has this set of certifications.

ISO 9001 EQA-ENAC Provision of Professional Technical Services in Information and Telecommunications Technologies. As a guarantee of quality in the selection, assignment, training and inclusion processes in career plans.

ISO 14001 EQA-ENAC Provision of Professional Technical Services in Information and Telecommunications Technologies. Application of best practices in sustainability and respect for the environment.

ISO 27001 AENOR Security and Technological Risks High criticality certification given the continuous increase in threats in the information systems sector.

ISO 20000 AENOR Service Management Essential for providing the best practices of the ITIL model and ISO 20,000 in service management.

UNE 19601 AENOR Certificate of Criminal Compliance Management System for the provision of Professional Technical Services in Information Technology and Telecommunications (Systems Technicians, IT Support and Application Maintenance).

ISO / IEC 33000 OCACERT Development and maintenance of software and electronic administration systems.

UNE-EN ISO 14064 OCACERT Development of projects, services and technical assistance throughout the software life cycle, as an IT integrator company, specifically in the field of cybersecurity, data & analytics, software solutions and operation of software infrastructures.

European Scrum Org As a basis for improving productivity in building applications based on the Agile Scrum model.

Compliance with the National Security Scheme: certifies the information systems that support the workstation process/services and the related services.

The Pact for Generation D, funded by the European Union Next Generation, is a commitment by everyone to ensure that the whole of society is prepared, seeking to have different organisations, associations, companies, etc. join the digital pact.

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